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International School of Denver


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Why Bilingual & Multicultural Education

The value of an interdisciplinary, bilingual, and multicultural education goes far beyond learning an additional language.

When more than half the world’s population is bilingual, mastering a second language is vital joining the global community.

We believe in a research-driven teaching and learning strategy, that both language and content are best learned by leveraging both mother tongue and immersion language.

Why the ISDenver Teaching and Learning Method

First page of the PDF file: BobWhitePaper_4102024_1
Research is debunking the previously held approaches to immersion education and giving way to methodologies that should be shaping the way that we as language school educators think and teach. International School of Denver Head of School, Bob Carignan, underscores new research that has helped inform our Admissions policy as well as pedagogy at the International School of Denver. The student outcomes and data of the approach are compelling. 







Bilingual Benefits

But our students don’t just learn a second language – they become immersed in the culture of countries and communities around the world, thanks to our globally minded community of families, faculty and staff. This helps our students become inter-culturally adept global citizens.

Our community

World travels: Classrooms Without Walls