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International School of Denver


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Community & Service

As an international community and an IB World School, ISDenver is committed to taking responsible action, both individually and collectively, to make the world a better and more peaceful place.

One is not born into the world to do everything, but to do something.
-Henry David Thoreau


What is service learning?

Service learning is about providing your children with opportunities to make meaningful contributions to their community. This might take the form of a hands-on volunteer activity, such as planting a garden or forging a relationship with a community in need. However, service learning can also take the form of gaining awareness about an issue or doing real world problem solving.  

What does community service look like at ISDenver?

Throughout the year, we provide numerous opportunities for our learners of all ages to volunteer, many of which can also involve our families Though these events will always be voluntary, we will encourage both learners and parents to participate in these rewarding and meaningful activities.  

We also provide service learning within our school day: everything from doing school improvement projects to forging working relationships between older and younger learners.  This culminates with G8 community service projects, and an international service learning trip in the spring; locations have included Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Belize, and Panama.

ISDenver Service Learning Goals:

  1. To offer age-appropriate service learning that is authentic and that ties in with our curriculum. Rather than having collection drives, where we are soliciting parents for random donations, our program is evolving towards more meaningful activities. For example, instead of just donating to a coat drive, our learners can organize a coat drive, research the needs of homeless populations or volunteer in a homeless shelter; instead of just bringing in canned goods, our learners can undertake research and put together a brochure about nutrition.
  2. To explore the difference between sympathy and empathy. In other words, rather than simply feeling sorry for those we are helping, we will guide our learners towards exploring and understanding what needs all of us have in common.  
  3. To guide learners towards finding philanthropic causes that they are passionate about. While our 8th graders will already be doing this as part of their community projects, all of our MYP learners will start working toward this end.  
  4. To nurture our learners as they turn their ideas into action and forge connections with local and global communities. Here at ISDenver, we believe that community service benefits everyone involved.  
The purpose of life is to discover your gift.  The meaning of life is to give your gift away.
-David Viscott