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International School of Denver


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Bonjour. Hello!

We are so proud to be a long-standing part of the French community
in Denver since 1977.

Our roots run deep with Denver’s vibrant French community. In 1977, we opened our doors as a French school.

Over our nearly 45 years as the longest lasting and most unique International School in the Rocky Mountains, we added our Spanish and Chinese programs evolving the school into the multicultural, and multilingual school it is today.

French Program at a Glance:

  • 45 year history as a French school.
  • ISDenver is accredited by the French Ministry of National Education.
  • Instruction by native French speakers.
  • Bourse scholarships available for qualifying French nationals.
  • 5th graders spend two weeks in France, the youngest cultural exchange program offered anywhere in the Denver metro.
  • Network of affiliations provides faculty access to the richest pedagogical resources, student projects, and most innovative professional development.
  • Students experiences are enriched through visits from international dignitaries and other Francophile guest speakers.

Accreditations and Pedagogical Affiliations

ISDenver is accredited by the French Ministry of National Education, fulfilling the highest educational standards of the United States, France and other French-speaking countries. Instruction is provided exclusively by native French speakers.

Timeline explaining the beggining of ISDenver since 1977


Comparing ISDenver to other French programs?

ISDenver participated in the Week of French Schools Worldwide (SLFM) from 11/27 - 12/2/23. This event strengthens the ties between different schools in the AEFE network around the world. SLFM celebrates diversity, multilingualism, Francophonie, and openness to the world within French high schools and schools abroad. As the Paris 2024 Olympics approach, this year's theme was "Together, let's achieve 2024 seconds of daily physical activities during the SLFM!" Our students did just that through a variety of activities across grade levels, all over campus, and had a lot of fun with the challenge! Bien joué!


5th Grade Podcast

Our 5th Grade French Program launched their own podcast last spring. Here, our students' show their impressive ability to pivot effortlessly between languages, while leveraging a real-world communication tool to vividly showcase their experiences. Take a listen below, and learn more about this initiative here.

These kids continue to amaze me. They are so engaged in doing this project and they love it. It is like a real-world experience for them. They show their 21st-century skills and creativity. They are writers, collaborators, and communicators, and use technology on their own to produce the final product.

- Christele Turner, Director of French Program and Accreditation