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International School of Denver


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A school that feels like home

A school that feels like home

We are so much more than a school. In recent interviews, parents used the word "family" to describe what they've found here.

A school that feels like home
Katie Kroeger
A school that feels like home

I love our community. One step on our campus and you’ll feel it. What we have here is rare. It is special.

But don’t just take my Admissions Office, rose-colored glasses-word for it. In recent parent interviews, what struck me time and time again was how our community was described. Moms and dads, just like you, called our community a family. Wow. Let that soak in.

What that tells me is that our school feels like an extension of home.

A place that is safe.

A place kids can thrive.

A place kids have a voice that is heard and where they can take healthy risks and make mistakes they can learn from.

My son, Leo, is nine months old. He is the joy of my heart, just like your littles are the joy of yours. I want him to see this beautiful world and soak up all it has to offer. But the mama bear in me wants to protect him as much as I can. And I want him to feel loved. I’m so lucky I found this school where he can have all of that. I can’t wait for him to come here in a few years and to be a part of this beautiful community people call a family.

Join me for a tour - I’d love to meet your family and show you this incredible place.


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