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Middle School Welcomes World Leadership School

Middle School Welcomes World Leadership School
Middle School Welcomes World Leadership School
Kathryn Kroeger
Middle School Welcomes World Leadership School

When I arrived, the session was just beginning. Eighth-grade students took up residence on the Dragon Steps in the Mary Louise Evans Building Media Center, workshop packets in hand. The World Leadership School Facilitator, Mr. Ross Wehner, asked students to close their eyes and drop in from their busy minds and into their bodies in order to arrive into full presence. He led students in several rounds of diaphragmatic breath. There was some obvious discomfort around, restlessness and giggles, some new to mindfulness practices. 

Fully dropped in, students worked in silence on their life maps. They spread out on the steps, some prone on their bellies, colored pencils and their packets before them.

Then, things started to get fun. Mr. Wehner introduced the concept of spark. Spark is the why behind what we do.

Middle School Director, Rob Kapner, and his team wanted to partner with World Leadership School to enrich the entire Middle School’s work around student goal setting. He shared,

We want to have students see the bigger picture - why they are in school for 7hrs x 170 days per year. What is the bigger purpose and how do their goals fit into that.

Teachers went through a similar workshop during in-service this year so everyone is dialed in around their why. Kapner said the collective effort is to, “Remind themselves of why they are here and what they bring to the community.  Link self to a bigger purpose.”

This type of exercise makes complete sense within the context of a mission-driven school. The mission is our why. It is our guiding north star, the heartbeat behind why we do what we do.

Our inclusive, globally-minded community develops highly motivated and academically successful bilingual learners who are inter-culturally adept and make positive contributions in a complex world.

In my role on the Admissions Team, I’m often asked what we are looking for in a student. More than anything, we are looking for a fit with our mission, vision, and values. When working together as a community (both at school and at home alike), we believe we can help create a more compassionate and curious world, one student at a time.

If you are curious to learn more about our collective “why,” I’d love to chat with you! Complete the inquiry form to sign up for a campus tour, virtual open house, and a shadow day for your rising Middle Schooler.


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Our goal is to leverage technology as a positive and empowering force in the classroom. By fostering a thoughtful and balanced approach to technology integration, we aim to prepare our students to navigate the digital world responsibly and confidently.

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