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Portrait of a Graduate: Language and Mathematics Lead Grad to USC's Astronautical Engineering Program

Portrait of a Graduate: Language and Mathematics Lead Grad to USC's Astronautical Engineering Program

After graduating from ISDenver, Gaensbauer pursued accelerated math at South High School, completing Calculus BC by junior year, then Calculus 3 and Multivariable Calculus at the University of Denver.

Portrait of a Graduate: Language and Mathematics Lead Grad to USC's Astronautical Engineering Program
Kathryn Kroeger
Portrait of a Graduate: Language and Mathematics Lead Grad to USC's Astronautical Engineering Program

This fall, Sarah Gaensbauer, ISDenver Class of 2019, entered college at the University of Southern California in the astronautical engineering program, on what her mother describes as, "an unbelievable merit scholarship." Nancy Lipson went on to share, "We picked ISDenver knowing we would get wonderful foreign language education, but we also got stellar math."

After graduating from ISDenver, Gaensbauer pursued accelerated math at South High School, completing Calculus BC by junior year, then Calculus 3 and Multivariable Calculus at the University of Denver.

Lipson specifically attributes her daughter's love of Math to the classes she had with the Director of Upper Primary and Math Program, Marzia Mauffrey. She said Mauffrey,

...sparked a real love of math in Sarah and made her believe that she could pursue professions with that technical requirement...

The trajectory of Gaensbauer's foreign language capabilities has similarly "skyrocketed." She took Advanced Placement French as a high school freshman and scored a 5. She also took Spanish as a second language. Then, Gaensbauer took two top-level French classes at the University of Denver and two German classes (she now feels quite comfortable taking on new languages). 

USC looks for students that are multi-faceted and the language capabilities helped Gaensbauer stand apart from other applicants.

The International School of Denver is best known for teaching languages. But, the reality is, that we are so much more than just a language school. We'd love to show you our International Baccalaureate World School focused on developing students with the skills needed for success in the 21st century in action! Contact us at to learn more.

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