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International School of Denver


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Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers. This can only be successfully achieved in a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support and problem solving.
-International Baccalaureate Organization, 2010

Student Services and Wellness

The International School of Denver is an inclusive school offering an education to students with a wide range of learning differences and individual needs. We look holisitically at each student, offering guidance and cultivation of essential social and emotional skills.

Current families can find additional resources on our Parent Portal.

Academic Student Support

Our Student Support Team.

The vast majority of academic student support needs can be met within the primary classroom through scaffolding and differentiation by class and subject teachers. Some students with learning differences can receive additional support from members of the Student Support Team (SST).

The SST is overseen by the Director of Student Support and includes academic learning specialists in Grades 1-8.

Support offered by specialists may include:

  • Literacy skills
  • Mathematics skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Language development

Please reach out to the Director of Student Support, Debra McQueen, for more information.

Meet Our Academic Student Support Team

Debra McQueen

Director of Student Support

Diego Castano Laosa

Spanish Academic Coordinator

Deanna Foss

Student Support Specialist

Dessie Hughes

MYP Student Support Specialist

Mary Kapner

MYP Student Support Specialist

Taylor Massey

Lower Primary English Teacher (G2), Student Support

Counseling Support


Our counseling team offers developmentally appropriate programming and resources catered to the social and emotional needs of ISDenver students (often working together with our Academic Student Support specialists.)  This programming aligns with ISCA and CASEL standards. Our team includes a Teacher Behavior Support Specialist in ECE, and three counselors covering ECE-G2, G3-G5, and MYP (G6-G8). The team is overseen by the Director of Counseling.

Our counselors assist and consult with our students and families on topics including:

  • Identifying emotions and feelings
  • Friendships and relationships
  • Improving social skills
  • Managing anxiety and stress
  • Short-term counseling
  • Crisis intervention
  • Referrals for, and coordination with, outside mental health providers and services
  • Addressing behavioral concerns
  • Coping with grief and loss

For more information, please contact the Director of Counseling, Annie Barocas. For current families, additional resources can also be found on our Parent Portal.

Counselor's Blog 

Meet Our Counseling Team

Andrea Barocas

Director of Counseling / Director of Inclusivity and Belonging

Laura Fletcher

Lower Primary School Counselor

Our holistic approach to wellness prioritizes student health, safety, and community well-being, creating a safe learning environment for your child.

Health Services


Our Health and Wellness Center, and our two full-time Nurses on staff, are more than just the people your kids visit when they have a bump or scrape - they are also a resource for general health information for the community, reccomended best practices, and your dedicated partners in monitoring your child's health and medical plans during the school year.

Additionally, all teaching staff and coaches (and the majority of our administrative staff) are First Aid/CPR/AED certified, with the school providing annual recertification courses. 


  • Safety is ISDenver's top priority, as we balance keeping a safe, closed environment, with maintaining normalcy and routine for our learners, while also allowing our families on campus to strengthen our school / home partnership and build community daily.
  • ISDenver conducts routine safety audits (most recently in Fall of 2022) with a 3rd party campus safety and security firm, to assess threats across our campus and buildings, policies, and procedures. 
    • We continually received high marks on our external assessment, thanks in part to our completely enclosed campus, full-time locked buildings, and advanced access control system. All recommendations are shared with the Board.
    • At the advice of the safety and security firm, we do not share specific details about safety protocols.
    • Safety protocols are evaluated regularly.
  • As with all schools, ISDenver follows state and local licensing guidance as to how often we have fire, tornado, and lock-down drills.
    • In particular with lock-down drills, we make them as unobtrusive as possible with our youngest students, as studies have shown that these can adversely affect their well being.
    • While drills and training are an important part of school safety measures, so is simply being present.
    • Our division directors work closely with teachers as individuals and teams to promote safety and wellness.