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International School of Denver


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Technology and ATL Skills are Catalyst for 5th Grade News Show, Fire News

Technology and ATL Skills are Catalyst for 5th Grade News Show, Fire News

A founding principle of the International Baccalaureate framework is that, more than rote memorization of facts and figures, a student must actually learn how to learn. This sparks joy, curiosity, wonder, and a student who grows as a life-long learner. The IB Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills are designed to foster:

  • Thinking skills
  • Communication skills
  • Research skills
  • Self-management skills
  • Social skills

When you overlay technology with these ATL skills in the classroom, the output is impressive. Mr. Lance's 5th-grade class provides one example of how technology, student buy-in, and ATL skills can intersect to produce remarkable outcomes.

Steven Lamb, our Education Technology Specialist teed up the idea to Mr. Lance’s class.

Students were excited and courageous and embarked on the ambitious project: creating a newscast. However, this wasn't just any newscast; it was a product of collective brainstorming, strategic planning, and technological finesse.

Steven Lamb

There were many steps that went into this process, which included great effort from each student, but the most impressive aspect was the collecitve efficacy of the students. They came together and organized a project in a logical manner with a product that could be appreciated by all. I couldn't be more proud of them!

Lance George

Mr. Lance's 5th-grade class exemplifies the transformative power of technology when coupled with collaboration, student buy-in, and creativity. Beyond just a school project, their newscast serves as a testament to what can be achieved when educators embrace innovation and empower students to become architects of their own learning experiences. As we look to the future of education and develop students competent with a 21st-century skillset, we can draw inspiration from initiatives like this, where technology becomes a catalyst for boundless exploration and discovery.



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