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A well bearing our name to spring hope in South Sudan

A well bearing our name to spring hope in South Sudan

Water for South Sudan, an NGO providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services for the people of South Sudan will dedicate a well to the International School of Denver in the coming months. 

For the last four years, fourth graders in our Spanish program have been inspired by the New York Times bestseller A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park chronicling the journey of Salva Dut, a lost boy of South Sudan.

“For us, the pathway to global citizenship goes beyond our classroom. It means applying what we know to take positive action to impact the world around us. Our students joined efforts with schools from around the world, similarly moved by the book, in a student-driven fundraising initiative called the Iron Giraffe Challenge.”

- Nadia Sobhani, ISDenver Faculty

Over five million people in South Sudan still lack access to clean water. The new well bearing our name will help provide clean water which we know has a ripple effect in bringing hygiene, sanitation, and health to a community; allowing the people to prosper. International School of Denver will be prominently displayed on a banner and stamped into the cement platform of the well itself. The banner and platform will read:

In honor of the G4 Spanish classes at the International School of Denver 2021-2025.

Drilling season for the wells begins in December and will continue until June. We are excited to learn the location of the well in the coming months and see the impact of our efforts come to fruition and to be part of such a meaningful project.

Thank you all for your continued support of Water for South Sudan. This accomplishment is a direct result of the hard work and generosity of our community, and we couldn’t be prouder.

- Nadia Sobhani, ISDenver Faculty

Learn more about Salva's visit to the International School of Denver as part of the Iron Giraffe Challenge in 2023 and 2024.

  • Global Citizenship
  • Iron Giraffe Challenge
  • Salva Dut
  • Spanish Program



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