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International School of Denver


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International Scholars Society


The International Scholars Society (ISS) is a leadership giving society that recognizes, celebrates and further engages ISDenver donors who make philanthropic contributions to the school totalling $2,500 or more within any given year – including monetary gifts to annual funds, capital campaigns, special projects, and the spring gala.

Annual membership includes special recognition and thank-yous, exclusive invitations to campus events and activities, and provides more access to ISDenver leadership while building relationships and connecting with others who are passionate, committed and invested in the school.



We value ISD's commitment to inquiry-based, student-centered teaching, and the school's unique ability to deliver across the International Baccalaureate academic levels. ISD's focus on fostering well-rounded and critical thinkers ensures student success in this complex world. Through the generosity of Scholar Society members, we also know we're not alone in this opinion. Society members are recognized for their additional contributions that strengthen ISD's ability to deliver on student needs and new programs. We thank families for their continued commitment and look forward to seeing ISD grow even further."
-Lauren and Lucian Deaton,
Scholars Society Chairs

Make Your Gift Today!

For more information, contact Natasha Tiff.